Heather King

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Craft Room Tour :pictures & video ///updated 2019

Hey friends!!  I have to apologize for being mia for a bit!  I have been creating, but just have slacked a little on keeping up on my blog posts!  so, I am sorry, but I have some fun stuff to share with you the next couple of weeks so stay tuned....and this post, is all about my updated craft room! 
I am so excited with my space and finally feel like it is the perfect space for me to be creative and productive!  The first and last craft room share was in early 2018 at the beginning of my new social media journey and while it was a really nice space, I knew there was room for improvement!  I am beyond grateful to have my own room to craft in after the years and years of crafting at my dining room table and it has even take 6 years of living in our current home to get this room just as I like it...or love it! :)
This is the view from my door and it makes me smile every time I walk in!
I have a mix of yard sale and throwaway pieces....I am a kitchen designer and every once in awhile, a cabinet or accessory arrives damaged and they are replaced immediately, however, instead of throwing them away, I incorporated them into my craft room.   Kitchen cabinet organization is also perfect for craft room storage!!
This fun tassel banner is from an etsy shop called "Tassel Love".  This shop has tassels in all different colors and lengths and they are gorgeous!

This cart is from Michaels and holds all of the tools and essentials I use on a daily basis.  I love that it is on wheels and I can move it when I need to access my closet.  My closet has materials and projects I don't use often.  
This wall is very precious to me!  I was lucky to have my first layout published in Creative Scrapbooker Magazine in the fall of 2018 and then three more in their winter issue.  In 2019 I have had two more published and one expected to go to print in a couple of months so my frames are already almost filled up!  I am so thrilled to have my work printed to share and love seeing them on my wall next to my work space. 

This wall is on the left when you walk in and the units on the ends are just bookshelves you put together at home so they aren't the sturdiness, but they work for me and hold a ton of my stuff!  I love using matching bins to organize my materials and tools.  For instance, my stamps, dies, sequins, flowers, and list goes on!

This section of my wall has cabinet drawer organizers that I backed with patterned paper and then used them to store all my glitters and nuvo drops.  My husband also installed a small shelf underneath so I could set my little embellishment jars on it.  I like the look of the jars and being able to see everything.
You can see a lot more in my video share on my youtube channel, but somehow I missed opening this one drawer! hahaha....this is where I store all of my embossing powders, perfect pearls powders, embroidery floss and a few other items.

I really hope you liked the tour through my happy craft space and make sure you check out my youtube video tour for more details!
Have a great day!!